Hello. This is my first entry to the FAUXREALITYDREAMLIVING blog. I don't really know what else to put here.
I suppose I'll start with why I'm starting a blog. The short answer is: I write a lot and I want to get it out of my head. Long answer: at some point in my life, I started to fear not being able to share the things I like or make. I also started to fear having contact with others, so I can't really share the things I like or make. I've been trying, but it always felt embarrassing. Whatever. I just hope this whole endeavor helps me do it more.
Anyway, here's some things I like.
I like to play games. I've been playing computer games for almost all my life. I've also been on the internet and soaking in content almost all my life. Really, I've been surrounded by computers and devices since a very young age. You can say it's an addiction, I won't say you're wrong. I have to play music whenever I head out so make of that what you will.
It's hard to choose which of the stuff I like is my "number one". In my head, there are multiple number-ones that it feels arbitrary to rank them at that precision. So, I'll just say my number-ones in no particular order.
I love Disco Elysium. It has singlehandedly changed the course of my life. I suddenly had aspirations to be a classically-trained painter because of this game. It has communism in it, and communism is awesome. I won't say Harry and Kim are *my* dads, but they're certainly someone's dads. I can't stop thinking in skill checks.
I love Night In The Woods. Everyday I feel more like Mae Borowski, which is *not* good, but... I'm fine with it? I think? Also everyone's a funny animal and that's awesome. I like to draw a bunch of Maes with whatever drawing program I have when I'm bored.
I love Kentucky Route Zero. I don't know if I should have played this game in my later formative years because by the time I become 40 years old and I get, say, a leg injury and I'll need to take a doctor's prescription, I say to myself, "This sure is a lot like that game with dog wearing the hat".
I won't necessarily say I love Homestuck, but it is something I like to think about. Something about these little kids make them very memorable. Good character writing? Character design? Probably one or both of those things. It's good art. I got a card of Karkat and a card of Rose from someone who calls themselves "Vriska Serket".
Wow, those definitely are things this girl likes. What does she not like? Well, I don't like to dwell on things I don't like, but if you gotta know, I'll put it in one paragraph.
I hate capitalism, I hate fascism, those are a given. I don't like it when people are being unusually rude and mean to others, I guess. Postal 2 -- That game is all about being unusually rude to people and not much else. At least the gore was good. Borderlands 2. I cannot bring myself to play that game again because the amount of my life I have wasted trying to farm for a ridiculously specific Conference Call shotgun has fundamentally tainted the entire experience for me.
Aaaand time. If you like at least one of these things, you read something you have a different opinion about! You're stronger than me. (Who am I kidding, what fascist is on neocities? I guess I haven't searched "white-supremacy" as a tag. I will probably never.)
I think that's all I have on the matter. It's already above 600 words and I don't want to go full novel on a first blogpost. I haven't even told what movies I like. Sorry to Bother You is really good. Nimona is awesome. That's all I can think of. I should probably stop. Uh. Expect more of this soon! I'll even write some fiction and poetry on here, but it'll be in their own section. This is exciting. Okay. Love you.